Monday, November 12, 2012

My name is Nicholas Butler, 17 years of age, a freshman here at CSULA. I made a heart out of bottles depicting that instead of throwing away  plastic bottles we should acknowledge the idea of recycling so that we aren't wasting what we can re-use everyday. I gathered these bottles by saving up on the things I drink. For the past years growing up there wasn't a day in my life where I actually recycled period and I feel like this class project accomplishes my goal by helping my community. Everyday we waste so much. We can make a difference one by one if we all contributed into recycling and can slowly move away from global warming if we took the time to do things like this. I feel like this project can make more and more people aware and by making more people aware that can help change peoples habits. The more we make people aware then the much more we can accomplish and start heading towards a better future.

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