Sunday, October 28, 2012

Greetings From California by Chester Manlangit

            When you go to a tourist shop in Los Angeles, there are always postcards. On those postcards there are always pictures of the Hollywood sign, but also there’s also pictures with California’s beaches and palm trees. Our California water is depicted as crystal clear and magnificent, but when you take a closer look you see a lot of plastic, cigarettes, and other harmful materials. For my art project, I made a postcard. In this postcard, I wanted to show that although people might think of California as the state with palm trees, sunny skies, and beautiful beaches, as we continue to pollute our ocean more and continue our bad habits, in the future, California will be known for all of the trash that makes up our city. For my postcard I used a plastic bag to represent the sand, a dirty blue paper to represent the ocean, a bottles wrapper as the palm tree branches, cigarettes as the palm tree trunk, a Corona bottle cap as the sun, and water bottle plastic as the clouds. In the postcard, there is one fish in the ocean, and a fisherman has just caught it. This is symbolic because if we keep on polluting our ocean with plastic, Styrofoam, cigarettes, and other harmful materials, many of the marine life will die. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your contribution. It looks nice, but when I look closer---wow! That's how I feel about the beach, and I appreciate the way your piece communicates that double-take. Thank you so much for your work!
    Jenny Hicks, CSULA English department and site administrator.
