Monday, February 18, 2013

Our Dumpster

After doing this assignment I realized how trashed our world we live in is becoming. It hurts so much to see it this way and realize that we as humans have been doing this to our home, and remain doing it as time goes. Our “Ocean, rivers, creeks, and sidewalks” have become our new dumpsters. I decided to make this sculpture because the bottom represents the ocean and all the water that has been used as a trash instead of the amazing thing that it is, our ocean. These simple things hanging around in the water are causing many animals to go extinct and just problems around the world. If we could all just pick up after ourselves then our world and environment would not be this bad.

The Mother of Trash

I made this out of paper and flyers that were given to me by my school. I also made it out of old shoe laces and a plastic bottle and egg shells that I found around my dorm. The materials I used were meant to bring awareness of how much we use those items in everyday life and we just don't realize it. I decided to make a female face because she represents "Mother Nature". The mouth flips up and down. She frowns when we have a dirty environment and she smiles when it is clean.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Other people’s habits affect everyone

I was not shocked to see the amount of cigarette buds I found at the creek.  Aside from cigarette buds, I also found quite a bit of containers, eye drops, lighters, and tobacco cans. I was a bit upset whit my finding because of the fact that not only are the people’s habits affecting them, but they are also affecting the whole environment. It is there choice to do the things they do: however, have some decency and discard the items you use in a trash can instead of throwing them in the street where they will eventually wash up to the ocean. The cigarette buds are very toxic and they are all over our oceans. Many animals also mistake these items for food and eat them, which is also very toxic for them.  Same thing with the eye drops and lighters animals can mistake them for food and could kill them.  

Monday, February 11, 2013

Santa Box

 I named my creation Santa Box. It is a Santa Clause living inside a tissue box with a router on the back resembling a jet pack. I chose to create this garbage doll because it describes how our future issue will be. Santa Clause is living inside and around trash. If we do not clean up our act, we will be the same way as Santa. Poor Santa has but one reindeer left, resembling extinction and how garbage affects the animals as well. Many landfills are jam packed with scum and there is less and less room for our trash everyday. Our garbage should be put to better use like art or recycled or reused. There are many things that we can benefit from trash. We just got to be smart about it.
I chose to make a river because I believe that more people should be informed of the damage they are causing to the oceans. By dumping our trash into the rivers in the city we are polluting the ocean. I added cigarette butts on my project because that is one of the things you find most in the rivers. This should concern us a great deal because we are feeding our sea life trash, and then we eat the animals. We need to find better trash cans or just simply educate the next generation to be a little more careful with their choices.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Trash City

Trash City

This art project is a bunch of cans and plastic bottles glued to cardboard. The message that is being said is that some areas of a city are filled with trash. If it continues then our cities will be like if they are made out of trash like my display.

Recycled Doll

This art project I created with the use of trash that was left behind at the Ballona Creek is supposed to represent all the children that don't have toys and can't live like the rest of the kids. By simply picking out a few of the trash pieces from what I gathered at the clean-up, I was able to create a doll that may even have some meaning to a little girl. Many little girls don't have toys and may never even had the chance to play with a real doll. My point with this project was to make it clear that there is enough trash out there to make nearly anything. This doll can bring happiness and joy to a child. The ocean may also thank me in helping get rid of these garbage pieces that were going straight to the water. It was definitely a new experience to me and I had fun creating this new thing.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Turtles and Plastic Do Not Mix

My art project is of a turtle dying from eating a plastic bag. I used a McDonald hamburger box as the turtle’s body. Also, I used a 7 eleven cup as the shell, head, tail and hands. Also, I used straws to connect the arms. Then, I placed a part of a plastic bag near the mouth to simulate the turtle eating a plastic bag. Many marine animals die each year from trash and plastic in the ocean. The majority of the plastic comes from the street and beaches. Sea turtles can get tangled and accidentally eat the plastics because they think it is food. Some turtles eat jelly fish and cannot distinguish it from a plastic bag because they look similar. When the turtle eats plastic it can be toxic but also they might feel full and starve to death. Plastic lasts forever so littering can have long lasting consequences to the environment.

Where's the Peace?

Where's the Peace?
            This project was inspired by a trip to help clean up Ballona Creek. The number of cigarettes I saw in the dirt along the creek was devastating. I chose to make a peace symbol out of cigarettes, because that's the first thing I noticed. The one green leaf in the peace sign was the only green leaf I found out of all the dirt and leaves. It symbolizes our earth, if we continue to litter and pollute our environment, all that's going to be left is that one green leaf. Cigarettes are toxic to ourselves and the environment, if we aren't careful where we dispose of them, they can end up harming our environment. There is no peace on our planet if we cannot take care of Mother Earth. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Saint Green

I collected bottles and trash for my art project. I decided to build a boat out of a Ritz Crackers box and a few water bottles. I used the arrowhead bottles as a foundation to support the boat. Then, I cut pieces out of the Ritz Crackers box and placed them in the gaps of the boat. Finally, I placed a green mountain dew bottle at the top of the boat, which stands as a flag, and represents the phrase “going green.” I chose to create a boat because I wanted to illustrate all the creative and innovative things that can be done with our trash, as opposed to just throwing it in the ocean or the ground and polluting our environment.

Super Trash!!

Juan M. Galvan
Professor Ragana
English 101
February 6, 2013
                                                                                            Super Trash
                For my project I decided to create some of the trash that I found at the Creek cleanup into a super hero, because I think that whenever we help our environment even with the smallest thing, we are heroes to our planet. We never think about how our daily actions can damage our world; we take for granted the beautiful planet we have, we should be thankful that we are alive and have a place to live. My project also symbolizes how as we become heroes for our planet, we are also heroes for future generations since they are the ones who are going to follow our footsteps and make a better world.


Edgar Ponce
Tree of Life
            My project is made up of various objects you can find on the streets of my neighborhood at any time of day. It consists of a lighter, chip bags, an eyelash curler, a Popsicle stick, a gum wrapper, a plastic bottle, etc. All these items come together to form a distorted tree. This distorted tree helps to convey the message that trees and our environment will continue to diminish under our hand if we do not recycle the items located on my project as well as other recyclable items which we find simpler to throw out or liter them.   

Sticky Trashy

by Loveren Dela Cruz

            First of all, I didn’t pick the plastic cup in Ballona Creek, so let’s pretend that this cup is a trash can. What I did out of the plastic trash I picked is that I made it as stickers and glued it outside the can. Why stickers? Because I thought that if we design our trash cans and glue stickers or anything that makes the can look attractive to the eyesight of the people, we might get their attention to throw their trash in the right place, the trash can. Then I put “No To Plastic” and “Save Earth,” so that people will be more inspired and get motivated to care about their garbage and to save the world from massive plastic catastrophe.