Saturday, June 6, 2015

Art Project and Community Engagement. Bowen He-English 101 Professor Laura Garrett

Art Project—“Ultron of cans”
In order to do this project, I collected trash during the Heal the Bay beach clean-up. My artwork is based on the villain—“Ultron” in the movie “Avengers II”. Ultron plays a dangerous role in the movie, he want to create a new world but he can’t tell the difference between destroying the world and creating a new world so he becomes a bad actor in the movie, and I think it is a good position to inspiring people.
I made this artwork for inspiring teenagers. I always see some students drop the cans when they left, and that’s one of the main resources of cans in the ocean. Making this artwork as this figure aims to attracting their attention because teenagers love these things thus I can tell the concept of it. Teenagers are a great part of the community, and their behavior will affect our future. If we can help them to have a positive attitude towards environment, we can save much more creatures in the nature.

My artwork mostly includes cans because can is one of the most common trash found in the ocean, and ii also fill some tinfoil that found in the beach. Nowadays, can is one of the most common production people need; there trillions of cans produced in a year in America, and there are almost 40% of them will be left into ocean. The uncollected cans are a dangerous factor to the ocean as well as Ultron to the world in the movie. As human developing, people create lots of waste to nature every day. Human will face many surviving harsh conditions if we keep creating too much waste without recycling. Let’s start to protect our environment; we can pick up every aluminum can, plastic pieces and bags. Those trashes are harmful toward nature but we can collect them for recycling.

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