Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Silent Predator

People tend to believe that sharks are the most dangerous creatures n the ocean. However there is something way worse. Trash! Trash in the ocean is a serous threat and a silent predator. They kill sea creatures without them knowing. They eat them either by hunting other fish or mistaking them for food. While walking along the beach of Dockweiler I picked up so much trash. In this scene the great white shark is swimming in a sea of trash. Eating the trash can potentially harm the shark. However to the shark it doesn't know what it is and thinks of it as food. All these pieces of trash were some that I picked up at the Heal The Bay event even the toy shark. While picking up the trash I realized how dirty our beaches are and that we need to take care of them or else we risk losing our friends in the ocean. We need to take action because even a shark is vulnerable to these silent predators.

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