Stephany Martinez
Ragana Lollie
English 101 MW
I decided to make a fish for my trash art project. The fish's body is made out of a
soda bottle. The fins and tale are made out of cardboard. The eyes are made out of
bottle lids. Inside the fish I put many types of trash I found at home and at the beach
cleanup. I put inside, forks, spoons, necklaces, batteries, a lighter, marker taps, and plastic
bags. I put a smiley face on the fish symbolizing its innocence while eating the trash. Another
thing I put on the fish was a heart so we can touch our hearts and not throw trash in the floor.
My message is that not to throw trash in the floor because it affects both the fish and us humans
because we eat the fish and the fish has trash that we are not aware of. So therefore think twice
about throwing trash in the floor because it can come back to you.
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