Friday, February 8, 2013

Turtles and Plastic Do Not Mix

My art project is of a turtle dying from eating a plastic bag. I used a McDonald hamburger box as the turtle’s body. Also, I used a 7 eleven cup as the shell, head, tail and hands. Also, I used straws to connect the arms. Then, I placed a part of a plastic bag near the mouth to simulate the turtle eating a plastic bag. Many marine animals die each year from trash and plastic in the ocean. The majority of the plastic comes from the street and beaches. Sea turtles can get tangled and accidentally eat the plastics because they think it is food. Some turtles eat jelly fish and cannot distinguish it from a plastic bag because they look similar. When the turtle eats plastic it can be toxic but also they might feel full and starve to death. Plastic lasts forever so littering can have long lasting consequences to the environment.

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